Tuesday, May 21, 2013

~Classification and Visitor Market~

Hey Dory,
How are you doing? Heard that you have just finished your studies and you would be visiting Singapore soon. I look forward to meeting up with you if possible. In your last mail, you stated that you have to research on Trip Advisor’s top rated attractions of Singapore. Due to time constraint, you are only able to visit one of the attractions that you have listed out. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you visit the Singapore Flyer. Reason being that only one to two hours is needed to explore the whole place. Hence, you can use the remaining time to indulge in the local food and relax.

"World Largest Observation Wheel"
I would classify Singapore Flyer as a man-made structure which is designed to attract visitors. When I was there to experience it myself, I observed that most of the visitors are not locals. Other observations that I have made are that most tourists are part of tour groups and they are from countries such as China, India and Japan. Most of the tourists are middle-aged and are visiting Singapore with their families. Other free and easy visitors are normally working adults and middle- aged people from neighboring countries like Indonesia and Malaysia or people from European countries. On the other hand, locals normally come with their families or friends as they prefer to come in groups.

Full View From The Side

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