Tuesday, May 21, 2013

~Unique Nature and Challenges~

The service product is not standardized as it is affected by the weather. During bad weather conditions when the lighting system warning is activated, no guests are allowed to board the capsules for their safety. Even in some circumstances whereby the weather is good but the lighting warning system is activated, guest are still not able to board the capsule till further announcement by the staffs. Another situation would be during rainy days whereby the rain will affect the visibility of the guests. When it is drizzling where visibility is still quite clear, most guests will still continue to take the ride. However, when it is raining heavily, visibility will be greatly affected and staff at the entrance of the Flyer will advise guests on the visibility and it is entirely up to the guest to decide if they want to take the ride. The challenges that Singapore Flyer will face due to the weather is a decline in the number of guest going for the ride. This is especially so when the lighting warning system is activated and no guests are allowed to board the Flyer. Also when there is heavy rain, visibility would be low and guests would not want to board the Flyer as they would not be able to get a good view of Singapore and it will affect their experience and may even leave a negative impression of Singapore flyer.

Less Than 10 Person
Therefore, this lead to another problem which is perishability as a capsule can only accommodate up to 28 people at a time. As the wheel will not stop rotating, losses would be incurred should a capsule passes by the loading area and there are no visitors to be loaded onto the capsule. Most of the time it is hard to fully fill up a capsule unless there is are big tour groups, thus most of the time it would only fill up to less than 20 or 10 guests per capsule. When I board the capsule there were only 8 other people with me and there were still lots of space available. So the capsule that can accommodate to to 28 people is a perishable product as vacant space within the capsule cannot be stored for later use. Therefore it an loss of revenue for Singapore Flyer when capsule are not fully fill up.

Next, the customers themselves are involved in the production process as the product is different for every visitor since they will shape the product in their own image to some extent. If the visitors’ expectations are met, they would enjoy the whole product. On the flip side, if expectations are not met they would most likely be dissatisfied; possibly influencing others and creating a negative image of the Flyer or even lose the future patronage of the guest.

Welcoming Guest With Greetings
Lastly, the staff involved in producing and delivering the product is part of the product itself. The staffs of Singapore Flyer are very friendly and helpful. When I reached the entrance of the Flyer’s gallery, staffs warmly greeted me and this made me feel comfortable. Upon reaching the deck, staffs were once again present to greet you and to explain to you what you can expect to see. Hence the challenge is that it is hard to maintain the attitudes of the staffs for long. If the morale of the staffs low, it will affect their quality of services. Vice versa, when staff morale is high, they are able to provide quality service to the visitors. 

Personally, I enjoyed the whole thing therefore I would strongly recommend you to come and experience the Flyer yourself to agree with what I had shared.

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